Sunday, November 20, 2011

Tim Hawkins - Hedge of Protection

Ok, this is my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE skit of Tim's. I promise, it really is!! Get out your tissues, you are gonna laugh until you cry!

Tim Hawkins-Scary Bedtime Prayer

I know what you might be thinking..... MORE OF THIS COMEDY FREAK?!?! Well, yes. I happen to like Tim Hawkins, so I post videos of his skits. Here is one about a well-known bedtime prayer you should NEVER tell your kids! :)

Tim Hawkins - The Government Can

This Tim Hawkins video is extremely relevant to my current events topics for school.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

delilah skit by tim hawkins

Here is another Tim Hawkins video. It's a spoof of The Plain White T's, "Hey There Delilah", except in Tim's Version, he is referring to the biblical Delilah. Funny stuff!

Tim Hawkins - Home School Blues

This video is Tim Hawkins singing "Home School Blues." For those who don't know, Tim Hawkins is a christian comedian who HOME-SCHOOLS HIS KIDS! HALLELUIAH! I love this song!! It explains some of the "perks" of homeschooling.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

White Christmas 2010

I AM SO READY FOR CHRISTMAS!! So, I finally made a video of LAST YEAR'S white Christmas.  Many thanks to Sarah and her dog, Harley, for the many laughs!!! Enjoy and Merry Early Christmas everybody!!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

New Comment Policy

Hey Guys,
I finally figured out how to change my comment policy to where anonymous, non-registered people can comment about my blog posts.  So now, any of my wonderful blog viewers can post comments!!! YAY! :)   In case you DIDN'T get an email about my previous Hawaii blog post, please look below to check out days 1-3 of my vacation to Hawaii.  More Hawaii post will be put on my blog as the week progresses. 

Hawaii: Days 1-3

These first three days of my trip to Hawaii have been amazing!  Because I don't have a way to hook my camera up to the laptop, I will put all my pics in a slideshow that I will post on this blog.  My family and I are staying on the island of Kaua'i, which is the western-most and smallest island. They call it "The Garden Island" because of all its large, colorful flowers.  Our condo has no air conditioning, but no worries, because almost EVERY night, it is 75 degrees and breezy!  On our first day in Kaua'i, we rented snorkel gear for the week, and headed to Poipu Beach to try it out.  The snorkel gear came with a mask, snorkel, and flippers.  As soon as you step in the water, you're looking at these beautiful fish and coral reefs!!! Totally awesome! :)  We saw a hula show before dinner, which was a neat part of Hawaii's culture for me, being a dancer and all! After the show, we ate at Keoke's for dinner, which was a very wonderful first impression of Hawaii.  The restaurant is almost all open air, and there is a stream that runs through one side of the landscaping, with palm trees and tiki torches adorning the green grass.  In my opinion, Keoke's was the best trestaurant on the island.  On the second day, we drove up to Wiamea Canyon.  Elevation: around 3,000 ft.  Then we bought some Hawaiian Shave Ice, (not shaved ice), at Jojo's.  The tradition is to serve ice cream under the shave ice, then evaporated milk on the top. YUMMY in my tummy!  Today, day 3, we went to The North Shore.  First, we checked out Hanale Bay, where the surf was AMAZING!!  The waves were huge, perfect for boogie boarding, (my fave)!  Some of the waves were so high, that they would knock us clean off our boards!  One wave even knocked Dad's sunglasses off!  We rode quite a few waves from a good ways out into the ocean, all the way onto the shore!  Then, we visited another beach on The North Shore that was alot calmer than Hanale Bay.  We tried some snorkeling there, and saw two GIANT sea turtles.  It was neat to see them in their natural habitat.  I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings! Aloha and Mahalo! (Goodbye and Thank you!)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Pictures from Dance Recital for the School of Fine Arts 2010!

My friend, Lucy, did "Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy" as her tap dance for the recital. It was a HIT! Her and her team have preformed twice at a nursing home, and have been in the paper. Salute to Lucy and her Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy......I mean... Girls!

In my ballet dance, we were water spirits, and we had big, long scarves as water.

There were a lot of beautiful costumes that year!

Mrs. Tara, my former jazz teacher, told us that in college, she was in control of her sorority's dance for a sorority dance competition. She said that the winning move was the one that my jazz class and I are doing above.

Mom tried to zoom in on certain pictures, but it was hard to get pictures when everyone was moving at the speed of light!

In Morgan's jazz dance, she was the lion from "The Wizard of Oz". Above you can see the whole "gang" posing for a picture!


Ok, so I started this blog so that I could share with others, my love of dancing. I take ballet, jazz, modern, pointe, and up until this year, I took tap. I have also attended a few liturgical classes in my time. I take all my dance lessons at The School of Fine Arts, run by FBC Decatur. In this blog, I will be blogging about most anything that has to do with dance, from rehearsals to recitals, and even a few "how-to videos"! I hope that you can enjoy reading about dance as much as I do, but if you can't find any way to enjoy this topic, then this isn't the place for you, because I am dance crazy!!  I also post random stuff non-dance related. So, I'm not COMPLETELY crazy... although some say that's debatable.
